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강좌 개요

  • 타입 MOOC 강좌
  • 기간 상시 수강
  • 학습시간 자유롭게 학습
  • 수강 승인 방식 자동 승인
  • 수료증 미발급
좋아요 6 수강생 97

교수자 소개

  • UNIST 최진숙, Bradley Tatar 교수



  1. CHAPTER 1. Difference and Differentiation
    1. Introduction
    1. 1-1. Introduction: Unfamiliarizing
    1. 1-2. Visible vs. Invisible people in this society
    1. 1-3. The origin of inequality
    1. 1-4. Differentiation through representation
  2. CHAPTER 2. Inequality and Identity Groups: Nations, Races and Ethnicities
    1. 2-1. Introduction: “Build the Wall”
    1. 2-2. The Division of Labor in Society
    1. 2-3. Status and Role
    1. 2-4. Power, Authority and Domination
    1. 2-5. Informal and Juridical Norms
  3. CHAPTER 3. Social Classes
    1. 3-1. Class and economic inequality
    1. 3-2. Labor issues now and in the future
    1. 3-3. Justification of economic inequality and Meritocracy
    1. 3-4. Can education reduce the gap between the rich and the poor?
  4. CHAPTER 4. Slavery, Race and Capitalism
    1. 4-1. Origins of capitalism in European expansion
    1. 4-2. Plantation Economy
    1. 4-3. Slave society in the future United States
    1. 4-4. Slave society in Saint-Domingue
    1. 4-5. The Haitian Revolution
  5. CHAPTER 5. Gender inequality
    1. 5-1. Gender vs. Sex
    1. 5-2. Gender stereotypes
    1. 5-3. Gender Inequality
    1. 5-4. Sexism around us and #MeToo
  6. CHAPTER 6. Systems of International Inequality
    1. 6-1. The Migrant Caravans and the USA
    1. 6-2. Honduras as “Banana Republic”
    1. 6-3. The Enclave Economy
    1. 6-4. Dependency and World-systems Theory
    1. 6-5. The future of slavery
  7. CHAPTER 7. Race and risk
    1. 7-1. Intro to Race and Risk
    1. 7-2. Race and health
    1. 7-3. Race and crime