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강좌 개요

  • 타입 MOOC 강좌
  • 기간 상시 수강
  • 학습시간 자유롭게 학습
  • 수강 승인 방식 자동 승인
  • 수료증 미발급
좋아요 38 수강생 258


lecture list
  1. Week 01
    1. 1-1. Class Overview
    1. 1-2. Money and Trust
    1. 1-3. What is a blockchain
  2. Week 02
    1. 2-1. A mini-tutorial on bit encoding
    1. 2-2. Introduction to cryptographic hashing
    1. 2-3. Introduction to asymmetric encryption
  3. Week 03
    1. 3-1. Introduction to Bitcoin
    1. 3-2. Introduction to Bitcoin addresses and key
    1. 3-3. Introduction to Bitcoin transactions
  4. Week 04
    1. 4-1. Bitcoin transactions UTXO and unlocking scripts
    1. 4-2. The Bitcoin blockchain
    1. 4-3. Introduction to Bitcoin mining
    1. 4-4. Advanced aspects of Bitcoin mining
  5. Week 05
    1. 5-1. Introduction to Ethereum
    1. 5-2. Ethereum transactions
    1. 5-3. Ethereum consensus
  6. Week 06
    1. 6-1. Consensus algorithms
    1. 6-2. Ethereum smart contracts
    1. 6-3. Ethereum dapps
    1. 6-4. Ethereum tokens
  7. Week 07
    1. 7-1. Introduction to private blockchains
    1. 7-2. Introduction to Corda
    1. 7-3. Introduction to Hyperledger
  8. Week 08
    1. 8-1. Directed acyclic graphs and blockchain systems
    1. 8-2. Zero-proof knowledge protocols and blockchain systems